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Oh, the delicate, seductive power of the bright, red raspberry. Native to Europe, raspberries have been cultivated for more than four centuries. Like strawberries, they belong to the highly-perfumed rose family. And like all red fruits, they are believed to be aphrodisiacs.

According to legend, raspberries were originally white. The ancient story is that the nymph Ida pricked her finger while picking white raspberries for the crying baby Jupiter. The blood from her finger dripped on the white raspberries, turning them red, and they've been red ever since.

Dave's fresh raspberries are red, of course, and still a divine treat for everyone.



Raspberries are delicious eaten fresh like candy or cooked into jams or sauces. They are particularly good with chocolate. Crush some raspberries with a bit of sugar (or no sugar) and mix with cream or yogurt. Make a simple dessert by mixing pureed raspberries, sugar, and whipped cream. Heat your raspberries with sugar, pass through a strainer to remove the seeds and use the fruity sauce on ice-cream, poached peaches and meringue, or whatever suits your fancy. Make raspberry vinegar for a sparkling salad by crushing raspberries, adding white wine vinegar and letting the mixture sit for a couple of days, then draining the fruit.



Raspberries should be plump, moist, and tender without being mushy, and have that distinctive raspberry scent. Look to make sure there are no signs of juice leakage or bruising. Avoid raspberries with green mold or black spots.



Raspberries are fragile and highly perishable. Keep them in the refrigerator for just one to two days. Rinse gently and dry well before enjoying.



Low in calories and fat and cholesterol free, raspberries are high in fiber and an excellent source of Vitamin C, magnesium and potassium. Raspberries are rich in phytonutrients with antioxidant, antimicrobial and potential anti-carcinogenic properties.

© 2020 Dave's Specialty Imports Inc.

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